Ricon-Ferro (Fibers on the Strength of Concrete Enhancement)
Field and Ground Concrete
- Concrete Roads
- Underground Stations Waiting and Walking Areas
- Topping (cover coat) Concretes
- Fuel Stations
- Logistic Bases
- Cold Storage Ground Concretes
- Industrial Slab Concretes and Stock Fields
The Construction of House
- Open-Close Autopark Ground Concretes and Other Traffic Areas
- Open-Close Pool Concrete
- Interhouse Screeds
- Landscaping and Walk Trails
The Shore Structures and Harbours
- Breakwater Concrete Linings
- Sea Ports and Docks
- Sea Harbour Concrete Linings
- Shipbuilding Yards
- Shore Protection Elements
- Marinas
Water Structures
- Hidrology and Flood Works
- Channel Structures
- Irrigation Projects
- Hidroelectric Plant (HEP)
- Drinking Water and Sewer System Projects
Precasts Elements
- Highway Curbs
- Segments
- Front Panels
- Supporting Walls
- Concrete Pipes
- Wet Tanks
- Concrete Blocks
- Ore Waste Crater Filling Sets
- Undersoil Rooms
- Manufacturing Shop Grounds
- Mirror- Passage and Downhill Road Concretes
- Ground Stabilization Shot-crete
- Invert and Full-Size Concrete Linings
- Timber Block Shot-crete
- Stabilization of Slopes
- Ground Stabilization Shot-crete
- Tunnel Segment Linings
- Tunnel Base Lining Concretes
- Enables concrete to be in elasto-plastic behaviour
- Increase the fire resistance
- Prevents the shrinkage cracks and micro cracks.
- High energy absorbtion capacity
- Increases the fatigue resistance of concrete
- Decreases the surface wearing
- Increases the impact resistance
- Provides the pull-off strength in high bending and spliting
- Performs with three dimension and act as a compression reinforcement against the negative moments occured on the surface
- Increases the durability without corroding.
- Brings extra resistance to concrete which get weak due to the freezing and thaw
- Keeps concrete asidic and salty environments together.
Ricon-Ferro dosage varies between 1-10 kg/m3 on different applications. Ricon-Ferro usually is been used between the dosage of 2-4 kg/m3 on the average ground conditions and under average repelling and ground concrete average loads.
For the homogenous mixture, it is just enough Ricon-Ferro to be put on the aggregate band in the concrete plant or added to the concrete mixture are enough.
If it is requested to be mixed on the construction site, it is recommended to add determined dosage to the truck mixer and mix for 5 minutes minimum. After this process, the homogenous mixture will be obtained and no other labour will be needed to place concrete.
- Provides cost advantage in terms of the labour during the application
- The time loss during the montage of steel mesh does not happen with Ricon-Ferro
- More advantageous in the purchasing cost than the steel mesh and the steel fiber
- The thickness of slab decreases since the concrete cover is not used
- Extend the service lifetime and the maintenance periods since it does not corrode.
- Is not harmed during stock and is able to be kept for longer time.
: 0,677 mm
: 54 mm
Modulus of Elasticity
: 5,75 GPa
Melting Point
: 162-168 °C
Tensile Stress
: 550 - 750 MPa
: Material Quality
Surface Texture
: Surface deformed
Number of Fiber
: 220.000 Pieces / kg
: 0,91 g/cm3
Raw Material
: 100% Pure Copolymer PP/PE
Burning Point
: 398 °C
Water Absorption
: Zero
Acid/Alkali Resistance
: Excellent
: ASTMC-1116