
Ricon (Fibers on the Strength of Concrete Enhancement)

Concrete, construction of pressure resistant, withdrawal is a material force against the weak. In addition to the fragile material, plastic and outlet of receiving long-term period, there is a tendency to crack.

First 24 hours after the early period of the crack when the concrete plugs are microscopic capillary cracks. Cracks in the long term, concrete has been poured for months, maybe years later emerged, in which water vapor due to the shrinking of the concrete cracks are. In either case, cracks in the concrete to reduce the overall performance, should provide for technical reasons to get.

In order to prevent all this concrete, polypropylene fibers are used. Polypropylene fibers during the early period of the concrete into the plastic, three-way by establishing a network of concrete in agregraların, keeps hanging for shooting locations. Plastic shrinkage of concrete, this network will increase the resistance during the withdrawal. Moreover, any fire during the melting of the concrete, creating volatile steam pressure, and thus tend to explode the concrete blocks.

Product Description : A high-quality micro Monofilament is made up of polypropylene fibers. Fresh concrete by increasing the capacity to change the way in concrete to control plastic shrinkage çatlakarını and manufactured to reduce. Can be solved in water for 1 m3 of concrete were prepared in small packages.

Packaging : 600 grams of water that can be solved in special packaging.

Storage Conditions / Validity Period : In the original unopened and undamaged packaging dry, cool and clean environment is stored in the case is suitable for use 36 months from the date of production.

Uses Areas : Using for followings to reduce contraction faults of concrete.

  • Prefabricated concrete products
  • Wet and dry system sprayed concrete production
  • Airport, apron and parking of concrete
  • Concrete which is subjected to impact load
  • Ground concrete
  • Showroom floors
  • Ceiling panels
  • Frontgate
  • Highway barriers
  • Decorative concrete panel
  • Concrete Tubes

Practice : Ideal measure is for 1 m3 concrete needs minimum one package (600 gr).

Dispensing : Fiber should be ideally added to the batching plant. In case of site mixing, additional mixing time of 3 to 5 minutes (70 cycles) is necessary to ensure that the product is fully degraded and to ensure uniform fibre dispersion throughout the mix. If mixing is at the batching plant, fibre should be added first along with half of mixing water. After all the other ingredients have been added, including the remaining mixing water the concrete or mortar should be mixed for a further few minutes at full speed to ensure uniform fibre dispersion.

Tolls-Practice Method : When using, the standard procedures for placing, finishing, and curing concrete is not changed, the standard rules of good concreting practice, concerning production as well placing, are to be followed. Refer to relevant standards. Fresh concrete must be cured properly.

Cleaning Of Tools : Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use. Hardened / cured material can only be mechanically removed.

Local Restrictions : Please note that as a result of specific local regulations the performance of this product may vary from country to country. Please consult the local Product Data Sheet for the exact description of the application fields.

Properties / Advantages :

  • Thick polypropylene fibers up to 40 solid number of life
  • High-binding property
  • Alkali resistance
  • High aderans surface

Is easily disinterrate in concrete and Plaster because of thin and specific surface structure and provides an intense matrix which has following properties.

  • Reduce the plastic shrinkage cracks .
  • Reduce the sudation.
  • Increase the abration resistance.
  • Increase the resistance of concrete against stroke loads.
  • Increases the resistance of concrete against fire damages.
  • Inrease the waterproof of cocrete.
  • Increase the resistance of concrete against freezing-melting .
  • Increase the resistance of concrete against corners and edges breaks.

Technical Features​ :


 100% original homopolimer polypropylene


 0,91 gr/cm2

 Fiber Length

 10 - 16 - 20 - 30 mm

 Electrical Conductivity


 Acid and salt resistance


 Melt Point


 Ignition Point


 Thermal Conductivity


 Alkali Resistance


 Acid Resistance


 Tensile Strength

 300-400 N/mm2

 Modulus of Elasticity

 ~ 4000 N/mm2

Variety :




Lenght (mm)



Diameter (µ)



Number of flament (million/kg)



Raw : Polypropylene

Type : Fiber is made

E-module : 3500-3900 N/mm2

Tensile strength : 400 N/mm2

Liquid holding capacity : %0

Maximum operating temperature : 145 oC

Color : White transparent